Charlotte Enghave Fruergaard, Ph.D., is CEO and Co-founder of PRO Devices A/S. Our vision is to make everyday life easier for staff in microbial laboratories. We add value to the laboratories by optimising manual workflow of weary routines, using automated resistance measurements, which is a time-consuming routine task. We have developed equipment that reads the size of all inhibition-zones on disc diffusion tests, at the same time the individual antibiotic discs are identified, and documentation and traceability are ensured with photo-documentation.
Previously she was more than 26 years at NNE working in various positions from Principal Consultant in Compliance Consulting, Director of Finished Products, and Manager of Sales & Marketing and before that responsible for conceptual designs of new pharmaceutical facilities. Enghave Fruergaard has over 26 years of experience with pharmaceutical projects. Enghave Fruergaard holds an MSc in mechanical engineering and a PhD in measuring technique. She has international experience from an EU founded project where she was stationed at Physicalische Technische Bundesanstalt in Germany. During this project, she also gained the PhD degree within metrology.
Enghave Fruergaard has been a Member of ISPE since 1995 and was Chairman of the International Board of Directors in 2012/2013. She is co-founder of ISPE Nordic Affiliate in 2000 and was Chairman of the Nordic Affiliate in 2006-2007. She has been the conference leader of numerous ISPE Barrier Isolation/Aseptic Conferences in Europe since 1999. She is a member of the steering committees for ISPE Sterile Products Processing Community of Practice, ISPE Women in Pharma and the 2021 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo Program Committee.