Enzo Maria Tieghi, entrepreneur, computer expert, born in Milan in 1955, since 30+ years in the automation and control systems software business, industrial cyber security and compliance according to standards and regulations across different industry sectors.
Enzo Maria Tieghi is CEO at ServiTecno Srl, Milano, Italy, a company that since 1985, distributes and supports software (from GE Digital) for Industrial ICT applications, SCADA, Industrial BigData , Plant Intelligence, for data and alarms management systems, and tools for industrial network security.
Active in industry associations (such as AIIC , Clusit , ISPE , Anipla , ISA , AFI, Assintel , etc.). Lecturer and speaker at specialized events both in Italy and abroad, as well as contributor of articles and memories in technical press and international conferences.
Active in the GAMP community, Author of Clusit manual "Introduction to automation networks and control systems security (DCS , SCADA , PLC , etc.). " (Http:// ), has edited for the AMGA Foundation and Franco Angeli Edizioni the Italian edition of the book "SCADA Security Good Practices for the sector of drinking water" ( ) and has participated in the drafting of the Report 2012 on Security Clusit ICT in Italy ( and ROSIv2
He is currently member at AIIC (Association of Italian Experts in Critical Infrastructure), Information member in ISA99 Committee as ISA Senior Member (International Society for Automation ), ISPE Senior Member and follows ISPE - GAMP Italian Forum.