
Mahesh R. Ramanadham Pharm.D./M.B.A.

Deputy Director, FDA/CDER/OPQ/OPPQ

Commander (CDR) Mahesh Ramanadham is the Deputy Director for the Office of Policy for Pharmaceutical Quality, within FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ). He joined the FDA in November 2009 after graduating with his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Maryland and his M.B.A. from the University of Baltimore. Within FDA, he has served in leadership roles in the Office of Compliance and the Office of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assessment within OPQ. Prior to joining FDA, CDR Ramanadham had experience in solid oral dosage manufacturing ranging from OTC products to schedule II narcotics. Outside of FDA, CDR Ramanadham continues to practice pharmacy in the community setting to maintain perspective on the clinical relevancy and impact of FDA’s efforts in pharmaceutical quality.
