Maneesha Altekar is a Technical Director for Product Robustness & Analytics at AstraZeneca, where she is responsible for the product performance reporting and improvement governance process for the Operations Management Review and drives the implementation of the product robustness framework in key business processes. She currently leads the effort to identify the advanced analytics capabilities needed to support the Process Intelligence strategic initiative. Prior to this role, she provided statistical support to the manufacturing sites. She is actively involved in the ISPE PV Team, leading and contributing to the development of discussion papers, and has contributed to the recently published Process Performance and Product Quality Monitoring System Guide, sponsored by ISPE’s Advancing Pharmaceutical Quality team. Prior to working at AstraZeneca, Maneesha spent 18 years working in the Chemical industry, providing statistical support for product and process development and optimization. She has presented at various conferences including the ISPE PV & PV Stats conferences, IVT’s Statistics in Validation conference, ASA Joint Statistical Meetings, ASQ Quality Congress, Lab Automation Conference and the Society for Biomolecular Screening, and published several papers. She holds a Ph. D. in Statistics from the University of Delaware.