Rolf Blumenthal is Senior Director Business Unit MES with Werum IT Solutions GmbH. He has been working with Werum since 1979 and is one of the 15 employees who took over the company after the death of the company founder in 1982. He has many years of experience in the execution of large-scale software projects for the pharmaceuticals industry. For 6 years Blumenthal has managed the development processes for Werum's MES product software suite PAS-X. In 2006 Rolf Blumenthal started international consulting activities. Blumenthal advises PAS-X customers on the following mayor topics: IT architectural blueprints, system integration, computer system validation, optimized use of PAS-X and efficient creation of master batch record libraries. Blumenthal is a member of the GAMP D-A-CH Forum where he is actively participating as editor and reviewer of new guidelines. Since 2002 he has been a member of the GAMP D-A-CH Steering Committee. Blumenthal holds a degree in mathematics and computer sciences from Dortmund University, Germany.