Scott McNallan is an AIA award-winning architectural designer and licensed architect with over 15 years of experience with site planning and designing spaces and buildings that push beyond client expectations. As a LEED AP BD+C, Scott feels that building efficiency should be at the center of his design explorations, ensuring balance between functionality of the building itself and the operations it contains. The integrated design process necessary to achieve balance and sustainability begins with initial placement of the building on the site and continues through the development of exterior wall systems (to maximize daylighting opportunities while mitigating solar heat gain). Integrating architectural solar strategies with our mechanical and electrical designs then allows CRB to reduce our client’s capital expenditures as well as their operating costs. To Scott, sustainability is not just about reducing energy consumption; it is also about creating humanizing spaces. Designing low-glare / day-lit spaces that encourage both human interaction and individual focus time, his designs create environments that promote health, well-being and overall productivity of those within.