Dr. Jayda Siggers PhD

Senior Scientific Evaluator, Health Canada

Jayda Siggers is a Senior Scientific Evaluator in the Biotherapeutics Quality Divisions (BQD) of the Centre for Blood, Blood Products and Biotherapeutics (CBBB), at the Biologics and Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Directorate (BRDD) of Health Canada. Jayda leads the quality review of pre and post market drug submissions for biologic therapies. She earned a Master of Science in toxicology from the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), a PhD in immunology from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology at the University of Ottawa (Canada). Jayda recently represented Health Canada on the WHO drafting group for the WHO Guideline for the production and quality control of monoclonal antibodies and related products intended for medicinal use. She is currently Co-Chair of a draft Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) standard titled Analytical Method Qualification / Validation for Biologics and leads an internal working group for ICH Q2(R2) / Q14. In her spare time, you will find Jayda chasing her family down mountains and up hills on one of her bikes.
