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Concurrent Session: GAMP® 5 - Critical Thinking, Agile Methods, and IT Infrastructure Control

November 1, 2021

Concurrent Session: GAMP® 5 - Critical Thinking, Agile Methods, and IT Infrastructure Control|This session will focus on how the GAMP® 5 model is evolving to adapt to the current changes in digitalization.  The topics in this session include: Understanding the flexibility of GAMP® 5, that Agile does demonstrate control and how records or tools can be used in place of documentation. Critical Thinking is a mindset that must be applied when implementing GAMP® 5 to ensure that a risk-based approach to quality and compliance takes account of the multiple layers of assurance that may exist upstream or downstream of the system within the business process it supports. The use of Good IT Practices, electronic IT Service Management Tools and Automation as an effective means of achieving continuous compliance of the IT infrastructure environment including cloud and on premise.

Session Leaders

Speaker Image for Robert Dillman
Compliance Specialist-Data Integrity, Elk Ridge QA
Speaker Image for Thomas Carganico
Vice President Strategic Development, Marketing & Communication - Partner, PQE Group


Speaker Image for Arthur Perez
Retired Director Information Governance and Management, Novartis Pharmaceuticals (retired)
Speaker Image for Guy Wingate
Independent Consultant, Glaxosmithkline PLC (Retired)
Speaker Image for Elizabeth McLellan
VP, Compliance & Quality and Data Protection Officer, Suvoda

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