Christoph Bohn is Director of Rommelag Pharma Service, a division at Rommelag that offers planning, qualification and validation services worldwide, focused on BFS technology, but also the upstream and downstream processes. He is also involved in strategic development of technology and infrastructure, as well as the management system in order to implement a "lean production" under a holistic approach including the GMP requirements. Christoph Bohn regularly speaks at international pharmaceutical technology conferences, e.g. ISPE, PDA, BFS IOA,
Until 2012 he held the position over 12 years as Technical Manager for the entire company’s infrastructure at Rommelag CMO Germany, including qualification and the new construction project Pharma 2020.
He started working for Holopack Verpackungstechnik GmbH in 1995 – the world’s leading BFS technology contract manufacturer – since then has been active in various fields.
In 1994, Christoph Bohn received his “Diplom-Ingenieur” degree in Analytical Chemistry and Biotechnology from the Reutlingen University, Germany.